
High time you took that leap of faith

Louise Moulin
3 min readFeb 28, 2023
Photo by Dovile Ramoskaite on Unsplash

Things don’t change until you’ve had enough.

Years can go by, even a lifetime, living under one form of restriction or another.

Repression, suppression, oppression.

Trapped. The proverbial catch 22. Between a rock and a hardplace. No matter what direction you look there are obstacles. Red tape, bureaucracy, limitation. The ground doesn’t look like it will hold your weight. Fear does all the talking and Faith sits in her tatty lace dress, the wall flower at a party that hasn’t even started yet.

Things don’t change until you’ve had enough and at some point to thrive instead of survive, you have to take a leap of faith.

Wiggle out of the head locks and shackles, the gags and blindfolds. It might mean chucking in the towel and starting from scratch.

It might mean abandoning security that actually, now that you’ve had enough, looks like a trap.

Freedom from …

And freedom to …

Fill in the blanks.

Did she jump or was she pushed?

There comes a time in life, maybe a few times, when you sense a kind of pressure build up via a series of events that make your…

